- Gopal Bhar's potato purchase
Gopal Bhar's potato purchase
1.Gopal once went tomarke the t to buy potatoes. Met a friend on the way. The funny friend heard about Gopal's purchase of potatoes and said, if you can buy potatoes with Bini Paisa, you will get a reward of ten rupees. Gopal was teased by his friend to make a joke. He thought Gopal could not.
Gopal said to his friend, he said this? You will go to the market with me, I will buy potatoes with money and return home. I will not give anyone any money. You can see it with your own eyes.
When Gopal went to the market and asked every potato seller, brother, if I buy five sers of potatoes from you, how many potatoes would you give me? A lot of potatoes are imported in the market during winter. If the potato growers say, you will get five times aloo fau if you buy five ser potatoes. Can't pay more than that.Gopal then took five potatoes from each potato seller's basket and said, I only bought fouta in this bazaar, I will buy five sers of potatoes from all of you in the next bazaar.Everyone looked and looked. Gopal Divya Bini buys potatoes and returns home.The friend was forced to give Gopal a reward of ten rupees as promised. If not, maybe Gopal will take 100 rupees in his hand and blow it. Better to give earlier than that 2.Gopal once arranged a marriage. The girl is lame, the boy is lame. Both the bride and the groom depended on Gopal's word of mouth to get married. The bride does not know that the groom is lame, and the bride does not know that the girl is lame. No one could mistrust anyone for Gopar's fierce name-calling. Everything was left to Gopal.
After the marriage went smoothly, the master of the bridegroom called Gopal and said, the people of the bride's party did not know that the bridegroom was married. No father or daughter would give a damn if they saw the groom. We are very grateful to you for this. By saying this, the parties gave money for some reward. Gopal pressed his face and calmly took them without saying anything.
Meanwhile, the girl's party came. The people of the lame side of the girl could not know, what do you say Gopal! Saying this the people of Kanya Paksha gave Gopal some rewards.
After receiving thick boxes from both parties, Gopal smiled and said, "You are a gentleman." So let me tell you, your daughter is lame and your groom is lame. However, there is no reason for both sides to think about it.
After hearing Gopal's words, the wisdom of the groom's side is lost. He said, Ah, tell me what. Is the bride lame? Why didn't you tell us this before?
Gopal said, otherwise why would you agree? If we don't comply, we are the bad name. I am not willing to listen to bad names from anyone. Now, none of you have anything left to say
3. Letter written by Gopal Bhar
Gopal did not know anything about education. If he knew anything about literature but his handwriting was very bad. But his reputation as a stooge of King Krishnachandra spread far and wide. Neighbors used to respect him - some of them came to see Gopal for various needs and took advice, almost everyone followed Gopal's wisdom.One day an old woman came and said, Gopal bhai, don't write me a letter. My nephew has gone to Nageshwarpur, ten crores away from Puri. It has been several days without any news. There is no money to send to the cow.Hearing the old lady's words, Gopal said, "Today I will not be able to write a letter, grandmother."Why brother, what is it today, you can't write letters. It's been a long time since I wrote today. And I don't see you all the time to ask you to write a letter. I met today, write a letter brother? I am an old man to whom to write a letter brother, you are the only hope.Grandma, my leg hurts.What happened to the leg pain? Will you write a letter by hand? Will you write a letter on foot or not? It makes me smile when I hear you. I have never heard anything like yours.Gopal smiled and said, I will write the letter by hand. But no one else can read my letter. I have to go and read my written letter myself. My leg hurts now. From here to Puri and ten crores away from Puri to Nageshwarpur, I can't burn the letter. Get someone else to write the letter like this, Grandma. If my leg is fine I will write a letter and read it myself.What else will the old mother say after this? Forced to return from Gopal's house without writing a letter.
4. the noise On the day after Vijaya, Gopal chatted with others on the way. While chatting, Gopal took a buck from the other's tack, and the other took some change from Gopal's tack. When he counted the small money…. There is a retail of one rupee. Knowing that Gopal had only one in his pocket, he felt a little depressed, then Gopal said to the other, come brother, let's chat again. I give back what was in the tack. The fact that both of us have the same profession was very well understood by this chatter. From now on we are friends.
5. marriage relationship
Gopal went to a house to arrange the marriage of a neighbor's daughter. The groom's father called his son and said, Padmalochan has come to see you - come here once. Everyone wants to see you, father.
The boy who came home is Kana. When Gopal asked the groom's father, do you understand this groom? The groom's father said yes.
Then Gopal said, the son's name is Padmalochan? He kept it well.
6. If you pull the ears, the head comes
If you pull the ears, the head comes Mashai once complained against his son to Maharaj and said, Your son is not studying at all! Wanders around while reading. Don't worry about further education.
The king was very angry with the boy and said to Pandit Mashay, if he goes to the school again, he will pull his ears.
After listening to Maharaj, Gopal immediately said that you are right, the head comes when you pull the ears. Everyone laughed and laughed.
7. Chess game
Gopal sometimes used to play chess with someone in the dawa of his house. Someone would often walk from a distance of two miles to play chess with Gopal. Gopal couldn't sleep at all that night if he couldn't play at least one bet or lost a chess match with someone. Lying in bed all night just tossing and turning. Speaking of Gopal's great addiction to chess, Gopal used to lose his senses while playing chess. One day Gopal was playing chess, and if you give a move, what else?
At that time, a servant came running from the house and informed, Babu went home quickly. Karta mother was bitten by a snake. Kartama is suffering a lot. A doctor should be brought.
Gopal was so drunk with chess that he asked the servant to give rice, whose snake? At whose command did the boss bite the mother? Having complained to the king's court against the snake, I now run, which I am going to shortly after.
The poor servant stood in awe after listening to Kartababu's words.
8. Gopal and Kavi
The author of the poem 'Vidyasundar' was poet Bharatchandra Raja Krishnachandra. He had no equal in those days when it came to serving Adi Rasa. Krishnachandra also had a sympathetic audience, the poet was listening to Vidyasundar reading to the king.
Gopal entered the Rajsabha and saw the poet reading the manuscript of the poem upside down and shouted, "What is the poet doing?" Your poetry is full of juice. Don't tilt it, dad, the juice will flow. Keep it straight.
Hearing Gopal's words, everyone in the palace burst into laughter. Hearing such beautiful words, Krishnachandra immediately rewarded Gopal to his heart's content.
9. Gopal and Nawab
A gentleman used to work in the court of the Nawab of Murshidabad. Gopal once had to go to the Nawab's court if necessary. Seeing Gopal, the gentleman gave him fifty rupees and said, grandfather, please go home and give the money to my wife quietly, so that no one else in my house knows, then it will be very unfortunate.
When Gopal said the money is hidden, you can be sure, mosquito, that even a crow will not notice that you are giving this money. In fact, it is not the person to whom you asked to pay the money. I mean, Gopal wanted to take care of himself without giving that money to anyone.
10. Bridegroom
Gopal once went to the wedding house as a bridegroom. An old joker from the bride's side, intending to joke with Gopal, said, Gopal, you too have come as a groom. You know we have a lot of badar here. Badr's torture here is severe. Of course, your face is also like Badar. Say what will suit you among the badas? If no one has seen Badr before - this trip will make you see Badr. And you will see the talk.Gopal then said to the gentleman from the bride's side, I have seen a lot of badas before but I have never seen such a rude badass like you! This time, the gentleman was completely silent after getting the appropriate answer.
11. Gopal and Mother Kali
One day Gopal was suffering from toothache while playing dice. It is called unbearable pain. Unsettled by the pain, he lay down and began to moan and say, Dohai Maa Kali! Ease my pain in this journey….
After some time his pain was relieved by the grace of Maa Kali. He again started playing dice in a happy mood with the joy of his heart. Gopal's dice playing partner once told Gopal that the toothache was cured quickly by the kindness of his mother. Are you going to send a pair to your mother? The meat of the sacrifice can be eaten if the desire of the heart is sacrificed. Gopal said in a happy mood with Pasha's rice, my pain would have been cured immediately. Where is the magic of Mother Kali in this regard? What have I said about the pain? Mother Kali stay in my mind. Then Gopal Divya started playing dice in a happy mood. They did not pay attention to their words. The playmate was upset. But as the saying goes - the bell of religion moves in the wind. After some time, Gopal's toothache again increased to an unbearable level. This time the pain is worse than before. Gopal was restless with pain and folded his hands towards Maa Kali, sobbing and sobbing and said - O Mother Merciful, O Mother Dayamayi O Mother Jagajjanani that I have spoken... Assuming that's the mother? Did I really say that I will not sacrifice a pair of goats to you? So understanding mother, do not understand jokes? This time, a strong smile appeared on the face of the playing partner, thinking that the meat of the sacrificial lamb would be killed.
12. Utko people
Gopal once visited a big fair. Gopal was wandering around in a mood at the fair. At that time, a camel man came and hugged Gopalki. Well, if Dada dies of coughing, people go to heaven, and if Vyas dies of coughing, he becomes a donkey. But what happens to those who die right between cough and cough? Can you say grandpa I want to know?
Gopal said - mosquitoes, they are camels like you. No words, no message, no recognition, no hearing. Hugging and questioning. It is called ostrich people.
13. Fire in potato warehouse
Once there was a fire in a potato warehouse. Gopal, seeing it passing that way, asked for some salt from a grocer. Then he started eating burnt potatoes from that warehouse along with salt. At some distance, the owner of the warehouse was sitting with his hands on his head. When Gopal eats the burnt potato with salt, he asked him, who the hell are you?
Why are you sitting with your hands on your head in such a sad way?
The man said, I am the owner of this warehouse. One of my four warehouses of potatoes burned down. Returning to the planet, I fell into a lot of losses.
Gopal casually asked him, "Well, can you tell me when your remaining three warehouses will be burnt?" Then I can eat burnt potatoes.
On hearing Gopal's words, the owner of the potato warehouse jumped up and rushed to beat him with a stick. The poor man is already in a bad mood because the warehouse was burnt, Gopal's words on him! Seeing Begtik, Gopal ran away without saying another word. He said to himself that everything was ruined due to the bad temper of the father. I'll never tell any brainless gentleman about the fun of eating free fried potatoes instead of potatoes or potatoes in this market in Tel Acc
14. Memory-power
Gopal had a keen memory. To put it mildly, it is amazing. As if everything is printed on the screen of his mind. Gestures and even words. Ordinary people are not supposed to have such memory. Once the zamindar of Nischibdi Pur saw Gopal at the corner of the neighborhood while riding his horse and asked Gopal, has your illness been cured?
Before Gopal could give any answer, the zamindar of Pur had quietly left the place on that day. After seven or eight years of that incident, the zamindar of Nischindipur suddenly met Gopal again at the intersection of Napara. But this time the zamindar was going in a palanquin. The door of the palanquin was open because it was very hot. Before asking a new question, the zamindar answered the question of seven or eight years ago, my illness has been cured sir. Now I am fine.
The zamindar did not understand the meaning of these words and looked at Gopal's face in surprise. After a while, when he understood the meaning of the words, Ho Ho laughed and said, "Blessed Gopal, this is possible only because of you." You remember right...
15. Gopal and boy
A boy was eating fruits in the cowherd's garden. Neighbors took the boy from the garden. In time, he brought the boy to Gopal and presented him. Gopal was told to judge the boy by divine order. At that time Maharaj Krishnachandra and Priyobaisya were present in Gopal's house. For him Gopala and Sabina left the burden of judgment on Maharaj.
Maharaj became very serious and addressed the boy with some words of advice. Stealing is very bad, no one should steal anything. Anyone who steals is severely punished. After saying many such things, the king asked the boy, well, if you had a garden and a boy like you entered the garden and stole the fruit, what would you tell him to do?
The boy humbly said, "Maharaj, what should I do for the first time?" I would have warned him not to steal again and let him go like you did the first time. Tell me what else to do.
Maharaj laughed after hearing the words of the boy and thought to himself that the boy's judgment is very good.
Needless to say, Maharaj warned and released the boy. Look and never steal a second time as you promised. Like this time you are forgiven according to your word.
16. Kanvari
One day a friend of Gopal comes and secretly informs Maharaj to make Kanvari, Gopal is one of your servants. You trust the man very much. So he gave the burden of spending the money in his hands. He has diverted a lot of your money……you do the math.
Maharaj does not want to listen to the man at first. He says Gopal is my trusted man, he can never do such a thing. He is not a person who will spend money here and there. I trust him.' He cheated so and so Tari of so many thousand rupees… on such and such date bought such and such property in his name in the account book…… deposited one thousand rupees on such and such date…… again on such and such date…. Submitting fake receipts, withdrawing 3000 rupees, etc. etc... Maharaj listened to these things in amazement, then checked the books and found that all the words of the man were true. But that money was given by Maharaj himself. As he gave almost everything is matching, that's why he started to smile in his heart.
Then he said, neither my other employees nor I knew anything in my house, but, being an outsider, how could you know so much news sir? Did Gopal tell you everything? The man said, Gopal's expenses are more than his income. He is constantly blowing a lot of money! So I complained in the name of Gopal to be careful.
Maharaj said it is hot. Bapu wants to know your name-dham first. where do you live and
19. Whether the sun has risen
One day Gopal had to get up early in the morning to go to the royal court for an urgent need. He told his wife that if he fell asleep, she should call him early in the morning. It's not morning. Husband fell asleep earlier. He said, Look, if the sun has risen outside, I have to go out quickly. It is very necessary in the palace. The wife said Oma, it is dark outside. What will I see? If Gopal shouted, you can't see in the dark, if you turn on the light, you can see if the sun has risen.
20. Gopal's spying
During the time of Maharaja Krishnachandra, transportation was very difficult. Apart from land, people also traveled by water. Water barges were the only means of transportation in those days.A woman was often seen riding a barrow and riding around with a child wrapped in a cloth. The child was always covered with clothes for fear of cold and cough, if someone saw it, it would be thought that a one-year-old child was wrapped in such a way because of fear of cold and cough.
Gopal sometimes saw this lady while walking on the road and thought of the child in his mind. One day in conversation Gopal told Maharaj about his suspicions about the child in this girl's lap.
In those days there was a lot of theft and robbery in the country and the stolen goods were smuggled to other places through those waterways.
One day, suddenly meeting the girl in the barrow, Gopal and his companions ask the girl to show the baby in their arms. The girl does not agree to show the child in any way. Then the Gopals forcefully brought the girl to the palace along with the lap boy. The boy was seen to be taken off his lap at the summons of the Maharaj - not the boy, but the gold and grain of the kingdom in the boy.
Maharaja gave many rewards to Gopala for his intelligence and bravery in catching thieves and for doing many benefits to the country.
22. Odor semi-food
In a hotel, the hotel owner and a friend of his were having a conversation, when he saw Gopal standing in front of the hotel. That friend said to a friend of the hotel, can you seize that man? The hotelier said this is what?
Gopal was standing in front of the hotel on the street waiting for a friend. Meat is being cooked in the hotel. Suddenly the hotelier rushed to arrest Gopal and said to him, Mr. Standing and smelling the meat must pay the price soon. Gopal is surprised. After a while I got over the surprise and said I am not standing here to smell your flesh. I am standing, waiting for a friend for his needs. The street is not your hotel's rental area. The road belongs to the government, so you have nothing to say.
What happened to the hotel owner? Scent is semi-food. Half of it was eaten after smelling it. A dish of meat costs eight annas, half of which you have to pay four annas.
At that time, a large plate of meat was available for eight annas. Gopal took a siki of four annas from his pocket and banged it close to the hotel keeper's ear. Then again put it in the pocket and say that if half is eaten by smell, half is also found by hearing. Have you heard about money? You have found the right price for smelling.
Hearing the conversation, the passers-by who had gathered there, laughed ho ho kar. The hotelier replied like a fool and went inside the hotel with the intention of hitting on Gopal. But when he came to seize Gopal, he himself was forcibly seized.
23. Subtle Judgment of Gopala
A neighbor urges Gopal to plead his case, seeing Gopal's keen judgment growing in folk tradition. But after hearing the story of Gopal's lawsuit, Gopal was forced to take up the neighbor's lawsuit as the neighbor was a scumbag. But in the end the case was lost.
The gentleman cried and asked what he did, I lost everything. Then Gopal said, see Baram, even after getting well, people sometimes die of heart failure. He cannot be called baram-mura. Same is the case with you. You did not lose the case. Magistrates generally rule on three factors – presumption, evidence and admission.
The presumption was also in your favor, that is, anyone hearing the case was bound to say that the defendant was guilty. Hakim must have thought so too. But judgment cannot be based on guesswork.
Second is evidence. It's so hard to prove that it eventually boils inside him. I have proved your case, whoever you ask will tell you this, but what I said - the lump remains at the root. There must be lumps! The opposing counsel dismissed all our irrefutable evidence as false.
Thirdly, there remains the confession. If the accused person had politely accepted the guilt, then nothing would have stopped us. But he didn't do it at all! Tell me what else I can do. The case was lost before it was won. Heartfelt to recover from trauma. Tell me what's wrong? Because Gopal can't say anything more to the gentleman.
The gentleman left angrily.
24. Gopal and Maulvi
Sheikh Amirshah was a very wise cleric. He was also well versed in Hindu scriptures. He tried to cheat Gopal many times by his strength. Of course, as a result, he himself was always arrested. But he is not ashamed of it. Despite trying to trick Gopal again and again, the intelligent Gopal could not be fooled, instead Sheikh Amirshah was tricked again and again.
One day Gopan went to a friend's house in Vingaon. Sheikh Amir Shah was also invited to that friend's house that day. Gopal went and reached his friend's house and saw Sheikh Amirshah sitting at a meal. Gopal asked, 'What are you eating Maulvi Sahib?'
Sheikh Sahib could not handle the temptation to joke through the scriptures this time. He said, 'Here is Gopal, feeding your incarnation.' He was eating fish, and fish is the first incarnation of the ten incarnations.
Gopal's knowledge of scriptures is also very sharp. Sheikh knows this very well.
Gopal pretended to understand the meaning differently. He said, 'Avatar? Surely the third incarnation?
Sheikh Sahib jumped up saying 'Toba, Toba' leaving food. Because the third incarnation of the Hindus is the goat or pig incarnation and pig meat is a forbidden food for Muslims.
Sheikh Saheb had to fast that day due to excessive seizures. Because he could not eat anything else that day. Meanwhile, Gopal left his friend's house with a full stomach and a smile. This time Sheikh Saheb was very seized. He was very distressed and vowed never again to play bad jokes or misbehave with Gopal.
26 Gopal's Punjabi
Gopal brought new clothes. His wedding is tomorrow night. Even after wearing this dress, Gopal angrily told his mother, "You know, mother, the tailor made my panjabi two inches longer." The next morning, Gopal went out for shopping. Then the mother felt that the poor man's panjabi had grown two inches longer. If you cut and fix it! He went upstairs without saying anything and sat in his son's room and cut the panjabi two inches from the bottom and discarded it. Then he sewed the cut face and came down.
In a hotel, the hotel owner and a friend of his were having a conversation, when he saw Gopal standing in front of the hotel. That friend said to a friend of the hotel, can you seize that man?
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