How about a chocolate factory?Chocolate factory gave themselves!,chocolate factory near me,The Chocolate Factory
How about a chocolate factory?Chocolate factory gave themselves!,chocolate factory near me,The Chocolate Factory Chocolate factory gave themselves! International standard craft chocolate factory 'Coco Lab Chocolate' started in 2016 by the initiative of Abu Dawood Biswas and Munira Zobaida. Later, Kamrun Nahar Jhumur became a partner. This is the first factory in the country to manufacture craft chocolates themselves. Nishad and Purna's first wedding anniversary. Poorna was visiting the chocolate sector of the shopping mall to buy her favorite gift for Nishad. He was looking for chocolates that would surprise Nishad. But, he was feeling a bit disappointed as he didn't see much chocolate. At that time the salesman of the shop showed him a dark chocolate. With special mention that this is craft chocolate made in our country. And one of its features is that it is 'Jhal flavor' chocolate. Poorna was immediately happy to get such a different flavor of chocolate. He w...