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When and how you can eat soaked raisins, almonds, bananas, chickpeas/Rules for eating bananas?Benefits of bananas?Benefits of eating raisins?Rules for eating raisins? Rules for eating raw nuts? Rules for eating?Benefits of soaking raw almonds?Rules of eating raw chickpeas?Benefits and harms of eating raw chickpeas?

When and how you can eat soaked raisins, almonds, bananas, chickpeas/Rules for eating bananas?Benefits of bananas?Benefits of eating raisins?Rules for eating raisins? Rules for eating raw nuts? Rules for eating?Benefits of soaking raw almonds?Rules of eating raw chickpeas?Benefits and harms of eating raw chickpeas?

 When and how you can eat soaked raisins, almonds, bananas, chickpeas

When and how can you eat raisins, almonds, bananas, soaked chickpeas?

Lifestyle Desk :- Always start your morning with healthy food. Some advise to eat raisins in the morning while others say to eat almonds or bananas and chickpeas on an empty stomach. But how to understand which is better? A nutritionist in India shared a post on social media. He said that one should start the morning with a glass of water on an empty stomach. No herbs should be added to it. After that, you can eat raisins, almonds, bananas, chickpeas?

Who can eat raisins on an empty stomach

  Eat soaked black raisins early in the day. Soak 7-8 raisins in water overnight and eat on an empty stomach in the morning. If you have problems with low hemoglobin, PMS, gas-folate, mood swings, take care if there is any problem. Soaking black raisins is more beneficial. But if not available then brown raisins can also be eaten.

Banana, nuts or raisins you can eat when you wake up in the morning

According to nutrition experts, eat a banana, nut or raisin within 10 to 20 minutes of waking up. However, if someone has a problem, they can consult a nutritionist.

  Those who can eat bananas on an empty stomach in the morning

Indigestion, gas, bloating, sour taste in the mouth after eating, they can try eating a banana in the morning. But remember that bananas should be native and fresh.

Those who can eat almonds in the morning

If you have problems with diabetes, eye problems, rough skin, you can start eating almonds on an empty stomach. Soak 3-4 almonds overnight and eat after peeling.

  Why soak almonds?

Soaking nuts makes nutrition easier and lowers the phytic acid content. This acid inhibits the absorption of zinc and other nutrients. Also, according to nutritionists, you can eat soaked raisin water but should not drink soaked almond water.

Benefits of soaking chickpeas

It is an excellent source of molybdenum and manganese. Chickpeas are rich in folate and dietary fiber as well as protein, tryptophan, copper, phosphorus and iron. To reduce the risk of heart disease: Australian researchers have shown that adding chickpeas to food reduces the amount of total cholesterol and bad cholesterol. However, soaked overnight should be eaten raw in the morning.

1. Benefits and harms of eating raw chickpeas?

Eating chickpeas relieves various pains in the body. Eating raw chickpeas every morning has many benefits. These pulses are high in fiber; Hence it is very superior as pulse. Several studies have shown that blood sugar levels rise very slowly after eating chickpeas, and chickpea fiber helps regulate blood glucose levels.

2.Rules of eating raw chickpeas?

The correct rule of eating raw chickpeas is to eat them on an empty stomach in the morning. Wash and soak a handful or 25-30 grams of chickpeas in clean water the night before. Eat that gram in the morning. It will give you energy for the whole day.

3. Benefits of soaking raw almonds?

  The antioxidant phytic acid in nuts, which reacts with iron and zinc in the body, does not dissolve in the esophagus. This phytic acid also inhibits protein digestion by reducing the amount of pepsin and trypsin enzymes in the body. Soaking in water reduces the phytic acid content of almonds.

4. Rules for eating raw nuts? Rules for eating?

It can be eaten raw or soaked in two ways. However, many nutritionists believe that soaking is more beneficial. Because, overnight soaking activates some of these enzymes which help in digestion. However, whether eaten wet or raw, it must be consumed in limited quantities.

5. Rules for eating raisins?

Wash 100 grams of raisins well and soak them overnight in a glass of water. Strain the water in the morning and consume it on an empty stomach. You can also heat the filtered water a little to get better results. But do not eat anything else for half an hour after this drink.

6. Benefits of eating raisins?

Raisins keep bones healthy. The mineral boron plays an important role in preventing this bone disease. And raisins are one of the sources of boron. Boron contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium - which help in bone formation as well as maintaining testosterone and estrogen levels in the body.

7. Benefits of bananas?

Ripe yellow bananas also have many benefits for the body as they are rich in antioxidants. Bananas to meet water needs: If you eat a lot of oily and spicy food the night before, it will have an effect the next day. Bananas are rich in potassium which helps in eliminating this problem. Also, smoothies made with banana and honey reduce nervous tension.

8. Rules for eating bananas?

Can bananas be eaten on an empty stomach: It is forbidden to eat bananas on an empty stomach. Because acid reflux can increase and vitamin C can cause hyperacidity. Also, the presence of potassium in this fruit makes it risky for people with high blood pressure and heart disease. The best time to eat bananas is morning or afternoon snack.

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